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Venezuela - Morrocoy National Park, Coro, Canaima and Angel Falls

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The landscapes of Venezuela vary from the dense rain forests in the south to the snowcapped mountains in the west to vast deltas weaving across the east to the stunning beaches and palm tree's on the northern Caribbean coast!

I have backpacked in Venezuela 3 times now. In December 2010/January 2011 I travelled in Venezuela for 7 weeks. I was in San Cristobal, Merida, Coro, Puerto Cabello, Puerto Colombia, Isla Margarita and other places. In April/May 2013 I returned to Venezuela a 2nd time. I did a lot in my 16 days here including seeing Angel Falls, Colonia Tovar, El Tintorero and several colonial cities. In August 2014 I came back for 17 days and visited a few beaches on the north coast including Adicora and Morrocoy National Park, then headed south via Barinas to the mountains. Here are my experiences and story.
Read more about Barinas

President Hugo Chavez Was Born Here - Barinas

 » photoset (23 photos) « Located in the foothills of the Andes 188 meters above sea level, Barinas is the gateway from the east up into the heart of the mountains and small towns located 3500-4000 meters up towards the west. I had made my way from the coast through Barquisimeto and Acarigua over a few days to get here. More   date: August 2014
Read more about Barinas to Apartaderos

A 3hr Drive Up To 3500 Meters - Barinas to Apartaderos

 » photoset (15 photos) « From Barinas to the east is the perfect place to ascend westward up to the mountains north of Merida. A combination of buses and shared taxis will get you there. It's a journey full of amazing scenery on a road that is in good condition. The ascent is a steady one but make sure you have a good meal before you travel because the road is also a winding one. More   date: August 2014
Read more about Mucuchies

An Easy Day Trip From Merida - Mucuchies

 » photoset (28 photos) « I have visited or stayed in Mucuchies twice now. The first time was a quick visit as part of the El Paramo tour I did from Merida in 2010, a day trip. The most recent time in 2014 I stayed the night and had a better look around the place. The town is built on a hillside and the center as usual is Plaza Bolivar and the cathedral. More   date: December 2010, August 2014
Read more about San Isidro de Apartaderos

The Transandina Road North Of Merida - San Isidro de Apartaderos

 » photoset (23 photos) « San Isidro de Apartaderos is one of several small communities along the Transandina road north of Merida. These townships always have interesting and quirky things to see. I had spent the night before in Mucuchies 15-20mins south, then headed up through San Rafael and got off the bus here in San Isidro de Apartaderos to stay the night. More   date: December 2010, August 2014
Read more about Timotes

Picturesque Valley In The Mountains Near Merida - Timotes

 » photoset (15 photos) « Timotes 116kms north of Merida is situated in a beautiful green fertile valley with the Motatan River running beside. I arrived here from the junction in Apartaderos 55kms south which took 1hr 20mins in a shared taxi. Timotes is located below the town of Chachopo which sits near the top of the valley. More   date: August 2014
Read more about Adicora & Punto Fijo

Kitesurfing, Beaches & Icey Cold Frappe - Adicora & Punto Fijo

 » photoset (26 photos) « North of Coro on the Paraguana Peninsula are a few places like Punto Fijo, Pueblo Nuevo and beaches like Adicora out on the east coast. I was mainly wanting to get to Adicora but after arriving in Punto Fijo from Coro found that on a Sunday it was virtually impossible to get a shared-taxi or bus to the eastern side. More   date: August 2014
Read more about Morrocoy National Park

Paradise Of Beaches & Crystal Clear Waters - Morrocoy National Park

 » photoset (35 photos) « Wow! If you are a beach and nature lover and you want to be in the most beautiful and amazing place full of secluded (or semi-crowded) beaches with crystal clean waters, then Morrocoy National Park is your ticket! I did a day trip to Morrocoy from Moron where I had spent the night and also returned there for a night after the day in Morrocoy. More   date: August 2014
Read more about Barquisimeto

A City Tour Of Sights & Points Of Interest - Barquisimeto

 » photoset (27 photos) « Barquisimeto, a city I had passed through once before after visiting nearby El Tintorero and Quibor. I had lunch outside the bus terminal, gave my stinky socks and shoes to a homeless man and caught a bus to Maracay for another to Ciudad Bolivar through the night. More   date: April 2013, August 2014
Read more about Acarigua

Passing Through, Little To See, Little To Do - Acarigua

 » photoset (18 photos) « About an hour south of Barquisimeto (once you get out of the city) is the town of Acarigua. I was heading in this direction towards Barinas and the mountains north of Merida and thought I would spend a night in Acarigua and have a quick look around. A taxi from the bus terminal took me into the center with the first sight along the way being the huge statue of Portuguesa in Plaza 5 de Diciembre. More   date: August 2014
Read more about San Antonio to San Cristobal

My First Visit To Venezuela - San Antonio to San Cristobal

 » photoset (20 photos) « My first time in Venezuela! I crossed at Cucuta in Colombia to the border town of San Antonio in Venezuela on my way to San Cristobal about an hour and a half away. I hired a taxi in Cucuta to take me across the border, to stop at both passport offices and wait while I changed my USD for Bolivares and then to take me to a bus. More   date: December 2010
Read more about Merida

City Guide To The Tourist Center In The Mountains - Merida

 » photoset (18 photos) « I left San Cristobal to get to Merida which took 6hrs by bus. I bought some fruit for the journey from the fruit stalls right outside the bus terminal. A couple of hours into the ride there was some major damage on the road just as we were approaching the town of Lobatera. More   date: December 2010
Read more about El Paramo

Transandina Road Day Tour From Merida - El Paramo

 » photoset (61 photos) « I thought a day tour to the area around Merida called El Paramo sounded great, and yes, it turned out to be one of the best things I did in Venezuela. The scenery is amazing with mountains, lagoons, Andean towns, mind-blowing landscapes, churches, monuments and interesting things to see along the Transandina roadside. More   date: December 2010
Read more about Merida to Maracaibo

I Can See The Oil Pipelines - Merida to Maracaibo

 » photoset (21 photos) « I left Merida after 2 weeks there and took a bus during the day north to Maracaibo, this journey took 9hrs. The scenery isn't the most mind-blowing that Venezuela has to offer but it is pleasant enough and has long straight roads and open spaces. After leaving Merida the bus headed in the direction of Tovar and El Vigia. More   date: December 2010
Read more about Maracaibo to Coro

4 Hours By Bus To Travel 270kms - Maracaibo to Coro

 » photoset (21 photos) « 2014 Exactly the same trip as I did in 2010, read below, everything was the same as far as the road and scenery. We didn't make a lunch stop this time however. We were stopped for around 90 minutes before crossing the Maracaibo bridge for police checks, there were many buses and cars lined up in the hot sun, that was tough. More   date: December 2010, August 2014
Read more about Coro

Take A Day Trip To La Vela de Coro Beach - Coro

 » photoset (41 photos) « 2014 It was my 2nd time in Coro and I knew what to expect, a small but well-preserved historical zone with well-kept colonial buildings, leafy plazas and cobblestone streets. Nearly 4 years after my first visit I intended to look for and find some new things to see that I hadn't seen on my previous visit. More   date: December 2010, August 2014
Read more about Coro to Puerto Cabello

Bus Along The Coast (258kms) - Coro to Puerto Cabello

 » photoset (13 photos) « It was the 31st of December 2010 and I thought I would head from Coro to perhaps Valencia for the night, then I thought 'no, big cities are hard work'. So I thought I would get off the bus in a place called Moron which I did. But after racing around town in a taxi looking for a hotel with a spare bed and finding none, I decided to go a short way east to Puerto Cabello. More   date: December 2010, August 2014
Read more about Puerto Cabello

Port Town With A Beach & Old Houses - Puerto Cabello

 » photoset (29 photos) « Puerto Cabello is not mentioned at all in the Lonely Planet. I ended up here for a night kind of by accident after not being able to find a bed in nearby Moron on New Years Eve 31/12/2010. I didn't know anything about the place and I think not many people do, but I was surprised on New Years Day while walking around the city how historically authentic it is. More   date: December 2010
Read more about Puerto Colombia

Beach With Camping Or Stay In A Pousada - Puerto Colombia

 » photoset (9 photos) « Late morning on New Years Day 2011 I left Puerto Cabello on the coast via Moron to Maracay, this took just over an hour. When the bus arrived at the terminal in Maracay there were young people everywhere getting ready to board buses for holidays in popular places. More   date: January 2011
Read more about Porlamar, Isla Margarita

By Ferry From Puerto La Cruz - Porlamar, Isla Margarita

 » photoset (4 photos) « From the Conferry terminal in Puerto La Cruz I made the 4 hour trip by ferry to Porlamar on Isla Margarita (Margarita Island). It was early morning in Puerto La Cruz. I woke before 6am and walked the 20 minutes west from the center of town to the ferry terminal and bought a ticket for $40 Bolivares one way (around $6USD). More   date: January 2011
Read more about La Restinga, Isla Margarita

National Park, Lagoon & Beach - La Restinga, Isla Margarita

 » photoset (27 photos) « From the bus terminal 5 blocks from Plaza Bolivar in Porlamar I took a bus westward to La Restinga about 33kms away. I had been invited to visit by a sweet lady friend I had met the day before while I was walking around Porlamar. I didn't know it then but I would end up staying for 2 weeks living in a house on the beach with a family of fishermen. More   date: January 2011
Read more about Boca de Rio, Isla Margarita

A Fishing Village - Boca de Rio, Isla Margarita

 » photoset (18 photos) « Boca de Rio is 5 minutes west from La Restinga over the bridge that joins the western and eastern parts of Isla Margarita. It's a small but colorful little place where most activity happens around the seafront. In Boca de Rio is the museum Museo Marino de Margarita, their website is museomarino.com. More   date: January 2011
Read more about Pampatar, Isla Margarita

The Old Castle Of Margarita Island - Pampatar, Isla Margarita

 » photoset (12 photos) « I set out for a day trip from La Restinga to Pampatar to see the castle. I had to go via Porlamar. The bus from Porlamar only took about 20 minutes and leaves up the road from Plaza Bolivar in the direction of the church. Pampatar is located on the far east side of Margarita Island beside the sea, the main attraction being the castle Castillo San Carlos de Borromeo. More   date: January 2011
Read more about La Asuncion, Isla Margarita

Santa Rosa de la Eminencia Castle - La Asuncion, Isla Margarita

 » photoset (12 photos) « La Asuncion was a place I wanted to visit for a few hours to see some of the historical attractions like the castle and cathedral. I caught a bus in Porlamar down the road from the plaza about 5 blocks past the church, the journey to La Asuncion takes around 25 minutes. More   date: January 2011
Read more about Juan Griego, Isla Margarita

Sunset Island, Beaches & Boat Tours - Juan Griego, Isla Margarita

 » photoset (8 photos) « From La Asuncion I took a bus to Juan Griego only 15kms away on the north west coast of Margarita Island passing through Santa Ana 8kms away. Juan Griego is known as a laidback place where there is accommodation available. The bay has fishing boats, visiting yachts and tour boats docked. More   date: January 2011
Read more about Ciudad Guayana

Zoologico Loefling & Parque Cachamay - Ciudad Guayana

 » photoset (23 photos) « After nearly 2 and a half weeks on Isla Margarita I returned to Puerto La Cruz and caught a bus at 10pm to Ciudad Guayana which took 6hrs. I arrived shortly after 4am and waited in the bus terminal for a couple of hours until the sun came up. I had found a place to stay in the Lonely Planet book and took a taxi there. More   date: January 2011
Read more about Santa Elena / Brazil Border

Go To Pacaraima For Taxis To Boa Vista - Santa Elena / Brazil Border

 » photoset (13 photos) « A 10hr bus journey during the day from Ciudad Guayana brought me to Santa Elena de Uairen in the south-east of Venezuela near the border of Brazil. I stayed the night, looked around town in the morning and then made my way to the border at Pacaraima on the Brazilian side. More   date: January 2011
Read more about Maracaibo

There Is More Than Meets The Eye - Maracaibo

 » photoset (45 photos) « A week or so after the 2013 elections in Venezuela I returned for my 2nd time in the country. It was much cheaper than my first time here 2 and a half years earlier, black market exchange rates had skyrocketed. I arrived in Maracaibo this time from northern Colombia. More   date: April 2013, August 2014
Read more about Carora

A Well-Preserved Colonial Zone 3hrs From Maracaibo - Carora

 » photoset (39 photos) « I spent a couple of nights in Carora. I had read that it had a very well preserved Zona Colonial as they call it, historical colonial neighbourhood. I spent a full day exploring the neighbourhood and other parts of town. Carora is located 2 thirds of the way to Barquisimeto from Maracaibo, it took 3hrs to get here by bus. More   date: April 2013
Read more about El Tintorero & Quibor

Arts And Crafts Center - El Tintorero & Quibor

 » photoset (36 photos) « I had heard about 3 special places in Venezuela that produced and sold arts and crafts - Quibor, El Tintorero and El Tocuyo. I decided to visit one or two of them. I left Carora early in the morning, it is only a 40min bus ride east on highway 1 to El Tintorero, west from Barquisimeto. More   date: April 2013
Read more about Ciudad Bolivar

The Top 5 Things To Do and See - Ciudad Bolivar

 » photoset (20 photos) « An overnight bus from Maracay brought me to Ciudad Bolivar, a 10hr journey arriving at 8am. I took a taxi from the bus terminal to a posada (hostel) in the historical center. I came to Ciudad Bolivar to organise a tour to Angel Falls. There are many tour offices around the historical center and prices vary so shop around. More   date: April 2013
Read more about Canaima & Angel Falls

Canaima National Park Lagoon & Waterfalls - Canaima & Angel Falls

 » photoset (25 photos) « I was glad I booked a tour to Canaima and Angel Falls, it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to in South America! You may be surprised that in my opinion Angel Falls came 2nd as far as the most mind-blowing waterfall experience on this tour. More   date: April 2013
Read more about Puerto La Cruz & Barcelona

Slept On A Park Bench - Puerto La Cruz & Barcelona

 » photoset (33 photos) « After a 5 hour bus journey from Caracas I arrived at around 11pm in Puerto La Cruz and shared a taxi into the town center with some trustworthy people I met on the bus. I walked around the center for a while looking for a place to stay. I found a hotel and offered to pay half price to stay until about 7am in the morning but the manager said I had to pay full price which was over $15USD, so in the end I said no and decided I would go sleep in the park instead. More   date: Jan 2011, May 2013
Read more about Colonia Tovar

A Taste Of Germany High In The Mountains - Colonia Tovar

 » photoset (21 photos) « I arrived in Colonia Tovar at night after a 2hr taxi ride from Caracas that cost a lot more than a bus would have, but it was a Sunday and too late in the day for buses which I believe take around 3hrs. It's quite an ascent up to Colonia Tovar, 2200 meters in fact. More   date: May 2013
Read more about San Felipe

El Fuerte - Old City Destroyed By Earthquake - San Felipe

 » photoset (17 photos) « The town of San Felipe sits halfway between Moron on the coast and Barquisimeto city. I spent the night in Moron and took a bus for an hour and a quarter and arrived in San Felipe by around 9am. I didn't know a lot about the city before arriving, only that it had some ruins of the original city destroyed in an 1812 earthquake - Park Museum 'El Fuerte'. More   date: May 2013