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Chile - Torres del Paine, Castro, Tierra del Fuego and Puerto Rio Tranquilo

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A very easy country to travel in, Chile maintains a lifestyle similar to Europe! Chile has something for everyone including the icey southern regions to the lagoons and desert in the north! If you enjoy fine cuisine and wine, trekking, outdoor activities, the inspiring views of lakes, salt flats, amazing forests and beautiful mountains, Chile is an inspirational country to travel!

I have been in Chile many times now, several times in the north of the country and a trip I did in 2014 from the north all the way down to Santiago visiting some cool places along the way. In 2017 I finally travelled to the Patagonia in the south and in 2019 I visited Viña del Mar and Valparaiso. Here are my experiences and story.
Read more about Viña del Mar

Garden City Beside The Sea With Castles & Palaces - Viña del Mar

 » photoset (36 photos) « Viña del Mar like nearby Valparaiso is a wonderful city to explore and enjoy the sights, it's just 2hrs west from the capital city of Santiago. Viña del Mar is defined by its beaches, its new and iconic buildings, its parks and its white bridges over the estuary where the buildings reflect brightly in the water. More   date: November 2019
Read more about Torres del Paine

Sights In The National Park - Torres del Paine

 » photoset (50 photos) « Talk about lucky! A full day (12hr) tour to Torres del Paine National Park only cost me $30,000 pesos ($45USD)! Normally you need to pay another $20,000 pesos ($30USD) entrance fee but the park staff were on strike on this day. In a medium sized bus with our awesome tour guide we set out from Puerto Natales at 9am towards Torres del Paine while stopping at locations along the way and back including Villa Cerro Castillo, Grey Glacier and the Milodon Caves. More   date: November 2017
Read more about Puerto Natales

Gateway to Torres del Paine National Park - Puerto Natales

 » photoset (49 photos) « After 6 weeks on the road in southern Chile and Argentina I arrived in Puerto Natales from El Calafate by bus (5hrs) where I had flown to from Ushuaia. I was looking forward to spending several days resting, seeing the city and of course going on a tour to Torres del Paine National Park! Walking from the bus terminal down to the city center takes 15mins. More   date: November 2017
Read more about Tierra del Fuego

King Penguins & The Land Of Fire - Tierra del Fuego

 » photoset (45 photos) « The Tierra del Fuego (Land of Fire) sits between Punta Arenas in Chile and Ushuaia in Argentina. An archipelago of rugged beauty, harsh climate, shipwrecks, wildlife and with a history of how the native Selk'nam people were wiped-out between 1880-1920 for gold and land. More   date: November 2017
Read more about Punta Arenas

Things To Do & See In & Around - Punta Arenas

 » photoset (44 photos) « Punta Arenas presents the perfect place to explore and travel the southernmost regions of both Chile and Argentina from! Especially considering there are direct flights to and from Puerto Montt and Santiago. Of course you can also get to Punta Arenas by land and sea, but for me I was ready to cut to the chase in my travels of the Patagonia after over a month on the road further northward on the Carretera Austral (Route 7). More   date: November 2017
Read more about Castro

See The Famous Stilt Houses Called Palafitos - Castro

 » photoset (40 photos) « When I arrived in Castro I immediately knew it was my favourite place in Chile on my current trip in the south up until this point! A medium sized city with a great waterfront and a port area with lots of character and even some wildlife. Castro is located on Chiloe Island not far from Puerto Montt. More   date: October 2017
Read more about Puerto Chacabuco to Quellon

Ferry Through The Fjords - Puerto Chacabuco to Quellon

 » photoset (21 photos) « This journey was an opportunity for me to travel by ferry through the fjords of southern Chile! The weather wasn't great being late October but the ferry was near empty for most of the trip meaning you could enjoy it in extreme comfort and use 3 or 4 seats as your bed. More   date: October 2017
Read more about Cochrane

Peaceful Town Near Tamango National Reserve - Cochrane

 » photoset (16 photos) « Cochrane is a charming little town in itself, a very laid-back place, peaceful and quiet (in October at least). Sights of note include the pineapple house, the river, plaza, church and belltower, the old train, views from the mirador (Mirador of the Cross), tulip gardens, views of snow-capped mountains and the beautiful tree-lined streets around the center of town. More   date: October 2017
Read more about Puerto Rio Tranquilo

Amazing Marble Caves (Capillas de Marmol) - Puerto Rio Tranquilo

 » photoset (26 photos) « The amazing Marble Caves are the main attraction that brings people to Puerto Rio Tranquilo, a small town on the Carretera Austral road 4hrs south of Coyhaique. The town sits on the shores of Lake General Carrera and is very basic with just a few shops, several hostels and hospedajes and a bunch of tour companies on the lakefront. More   date: October 2017
Read more about Coyhaique

Halfway Down The Carretera Austral (Route 7) - Coyhaique

 » photoset (26 photos) « Coyhaique is really the only city for quite some distance in any direction of notable size with an abundance of shops and supermarkets! It's the best place to stock up on food and other items before traveling further on. Coyhaique is located a little over halfway down the Carretera Austral (Route 7) which runs from Puerto Montt all the way down to Villa O'Higgins. More   date: October 2017
Read more about Futaleufu

River Adventure, Rafting, Kayaking, Fly Fishing & More - Futaleufu

 » photoset (58 photos) « My journey to Futaleufu started in Osorno when I travelled over the mountains to Bariloche (Argentina) and south through El Bolson, Esquel and Trevelin to cross back into Chile at Futaleufu. Futaleufu is 10kms from the border of Argentina. Buses from Argentina (Esquel) to Futaleufu only run on certain days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). More   date: October 2017
Read more about Osorno

See The Wooden German Houses Of The 1st Immigrants - Osorno

 » photoset (27 photos) « I arrived in Osorno from Puerto Varas (2hrs by bus) in the mid-afternoon with the intention of taking a bus straight over the mountains to Bariloche in Argentina but it was too late in the day and the next buses were leaving the following morning. So by chance I got to spend the night in Osorno and have a look around the city. More   date: October 2017
Read more about Puerto Varas

Lake Town For Holidaymakers & Adventure Seekers - Puerto Varas

 » photoset (20 photos) « With centerpieces being the great Lake Llanquihue and volcanoes Osorno (2652m) and Calbuco (2003m), Puerto Varas is a place where it's picturesque surroundings (on a fine day) take center stage! Puerto Varas has a German heritage that can be seen in the buildings and churches and tasted in the food. More   date: October 2017
Read more about Puerto Montt

Gateway To The Patagonia, Chiloe & Carretera Austral - Puerto Montt

 » photoset (39 photos) « For a traveller Puerto Montt is a gateway and presents a number of options to get to other destinations! Those destinations are likely to be one of the following: 1. By bus to Bariloche in Argentina (although a bus to Bariloche is a shorter trip from Osorno northward). More   date: October 2017
Read more about Valdivia

Feria Fluvial Riverside Market, Boat Excursions & Museum - Valdivia

 » photoset (35 photos) « River cities are special and Valdivia is just one such 'river city' that I've been to that feels special because of the draw of the rivers waters, other river cities I know include Pucallpa in Peru, Penedo in Brazil and Fray Bentos in Uruguay. Often the best attractions are located around the river and Valdivia has some good ones! The Feria Fluvial market is a must-see, ferry boat excursions are fun and scenic, the Museum of History and Anthropology is very interesting indeed and the town has a nice backdrop of historical buildings. More   date: October 2017
Read more about Pucon

Thermal Springs, Adventure Activities and Lots of Chocolate! - Pucon

 » photoset (20 photos) « I was not in Pucon at peak time for all its adventure activities, it was early October and was raining most of the time during my 3 day stay. I got to know a few of the restaurants, tasted the chocolates in the shops, did a tour of the area and enjoyed bathing in one of the thermal hot springs. More   date: October 2017
Read more about Santiago

Things To Do In The Neighborhoods Of The Capital - Santiago

 » photoset (46 photos) « I had passed through Santiago a few times before but didn't visit the city properly until 2014. I spent 3 days walking many kilometers exploring and I must say that I absolutely love this city! I stayed very close to the Plaza de Armas, this really is the heart of the city, not the plaza but the blocks all around filled with 100's of shops, places to eat and street activity ranging from music groups to clowns and comical impersonators. More   date: May 2008, April 2009, April 2014
Read more about San Pedro de Atacama

Tours Of Lagoons, Caves & Moon Valley - San Pedro de Atacama

 » photoset (76 photos) « I had passed through San Pedro de Atacama twice (in 2009 and 2010) on my way between Salta Argentina and northern Chile before I returned in 2014 and actually visited the place, I'm so glad I did! This was the beginning of my trip from northern Chile down to Santiago and across to Argentina and back up again during April / May 2014. More   date: April 2014, May 2014
Read more about Antofagasta

Top Attractions Are The Historical Center & Street Art - Antofagasta

 » photoset (41 photos) « So what do I know about Antofagasta? I know as much about the place as you would know after walking around the city for 6 and a half hours. It's not a bad place at all. There is not a ton of attractions but it's a good place for a stopover. The city is known as a busy place for miners, they come from all around and the city has plenty of 'ladies of the night' to cater for them too I believe, this is what I have read. More   date: April 2014
Read more about La Serena

Tour Of The City & Military Base - La Serena

 » photoset (27 photos) « La Serena, the place in Chile to come and enjoy the beaches and coastline in the summer months of January and February. A place to come and relax beside a swimming pool at a nice resort and drink locally produced papaya juice or a Pisco Sour. It all sounds fantastic and I'm sure it is, but I was not here in those summer months when I came to visit La Serena. More   date: April 2014
Read more about Coquimbo

English Neighbourhood, Fort, Port & Fish Markets - Coquimbo

 » photoset (37 photos) « Just 20mins from La Serena I arrived by bus in Coquimbo. Coquimbo has 56kms of coastline and like La Serena is a place to visit in the summertime for all beach and water type activities. However, Coquimbo has much to offer in the offpeak season with many sights around the city and I enjoyed walking around and exploring the place. More   date: April 2014
Read more about Valparaiso

Bohemian Neighborhood With Vibrant Street Art - Valparaiso

 » photoset (59 photos) « Valparaiso is not a place to come and see specific sights, it is a place to explore the whole city from head to toe. From the port up into the chaotic and sometimes ramshackle neighborhoods in the hills. It's an artists and art lovers paradise, sure there are galleries but I'm not talking about these. More   date: April 2014, November 2019
Read more about Santiago To Mendoza

Spectacular Bus Ride Across The Border - Santiago To Mendoza

 » photoset (15 photos) « This blog focuses on the ascent by bus from Santiago Chile up to over 3000 meters above sea level at Cristo Redenter which is the border crossing over to Argentina and Part 2 focuses and has photos of the descent all the way down to Mendoza, it is absolutely spectacular! The first leg of the trip took exactly 3hrs from Santiago to the top of the mountains at Cristo Redentor but we were actually stopped at roadworks for a good 30mins during that time. More   date: April 2014
Read more about Iquique

Georgian Architecture & Beach - Northern Tarapaca Region - Iquique

 » photoset (32 photos) « May 2014 It was great to be back in Iquique exactly 5 years after my first visit, however it was only 1 month after the magnitude 8.2 earthquake in April the previous month, so this was slightly on my mind. After checking into a hostel, making sure it wasn't next to or under a 10 storey building, I had a quick wander about the place in the late afternoon. More   date: May 2009, May 2014
Read more about Iquique to Arica / Border

5hrs By Bus In No-Mans Land - Iquique to Arica / Border

 » photoset (13 photos) « From Iquique to Arica is around a 5hr journey through a rocky and mountainous wilderness. The long and winding road weaves its way through the bleak and barren no man's land, the huge faces of rock are hard to comprehend. About 3hrs into the journey the bus stopped at a little sandwich and helados (icecream) stand called Donde Pepe, some locals came aboard with food at one point too. More   date: May 2009, May 2014
Read more about Arica

Gateway To Peru, Walk Up The Headland El Morro de Arica - Arica

 » photoset (16 photos) « 5 times I have come to Arica, stayed or passed through. Almost always either coming from Tacna in Peru or Iquique further south in Chile. On one occasion I flew up from Santiago. Arica has a kind-of desert feel to it. At the ends of the streets in the distance you see rock mountains and hills. More   date: May 2009, May 2010, Apr 2014, May 2014, Dec 2019
Read more about Paso de Jama to San Pedro de Atacama

5 or 6 Hours By Bus - Paso de Jama to San Pedro de Atacama

 » photoset (12 photos) « 2014 The 3rd time I have done this journey. There is now a new passport control office at Paso de Jama for both Argentina and Chile, no longer are they miles apart. Salta to Paso de Jama 5hrs, Paso de Jama to San Pedro de Atacama (or Calama) 5-6hrs, Salta to San Pedro de Atacama (or Calama) 10-11hrs. 2009 / 2010 I travelled from Salta in Argentina to Calama in Chile on a bus for 10hrs and crossed the border at Paso de Jama. More   date: May 2009, May 2010, May 2014
Read more about Calama

A Stopover 90mins From San Pedro de Atacama - Calama

 » photoset (18 photos) « Calama is not the most exciting or most beautiful city in Chile I have been to. I stayed here for 2 nights as a break from bus travel. Around town there were some buskers, a rock fountain, a church, plaza, another rock fountain with a few animals on top. More   date: May 2009, May 2010, April 2014