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Minca, Colombia - A Jeep From Santa Marta To Cool Mountains

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Colombia travel blog by Mark Berman - October 2012 December 2020   » View Photoset (19 Photos)

Mark Berman, South America backpacker for over 12yrs!
Twice while living in Taganga fishing village, my friends and I have traveled up into the mountains to Minca. It's 1hr southeast of Santa Marta and 600m above sea, the temperature is several degrees cooler than down on the coast. Minca is a welcome break from the heat! Jeeps and small buses will bring you here from Santa Marta Market.

Secluded Lodge in the Rainforest

We stayed for a couple of nights at 'Oscars Place', a secluded lodge with fantastic views and gardens. You can sleep inside or outside in hammocks - (see review below). Minca has the feel of a cool tropical rainforest full with birds, bamboo, flora and plantlife. The clouds often close in for a while during the day and add a dash of rain to the green forest and landscape.

How To Get to Minca

The best way to get to Minca is from Estacion Minca in Santa Marta, it's near the markets. Once you arrive in Minca you can find accommodation, relax and explore. There's no stress (from the heat or crowds) in Minca.

The River Flows Through Town

The river flows through the center of town and there are trees all around. The small local church with a big name 'Parroquial Nuestra Senora del Perpetuo Socorro' is nearby. It has a park area and a white bust of Simon Bolivar outside. I visited the hummingbird gardens in one of the hotels - ask for directions.

Birds, Flora and Fauna

I spent a lot of time while in Minca enjoying and photographing the colorful flowers, bamboo and fauna. There is an abundance of unique birdlife around the area also. It's so different from the dry coast of cactus - so moist and lush. The views down to the sea and Santa Marta are quite amazing, like being in a secret paradise far and above the busy city. Take some friends, some good food to cook, some wine and head up to Minca!


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My Hostel & Hotel Reviews for Minca, Colombia:

Oscars Place, Minca, Colombia - Large Photo
Oscars Place, Minca, Colombia (October 2012 - 2 nights) - I stayed 2 nights at Oscars Place outside in a hammock in a sheltered hut at the end of the garden. What a way to go to sleep at night and rise in the morning - with amazing views over Santa Marta! Oscars Place has a kitchen and bathroom to use as well as a pool and beautiful gardens. It is nice and secluded and located about 10-15mins walk down a track from the main road. Many of the photos I took in Minca were taken at Oscars Place. Recommended.

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Minca, Colombia - A Jeep From Santa Marta To Cool Mountains. If Santa Marta gets too hot for you then Minca is a great escape from the heat less than 1 hour away in the mountains. You can enjoy a whole different world of flora and fauna and much more!