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Bolivia - Sucre, La Paz, Copacabana, Uyuni and Potosi

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Bolivia is a country of amazing contrasts! From the rugged, rocky and cactus covered terrain of Tupiza where Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid once roamed to Uyuni where you will find the worlds largest salt flats to the jungle areas of Rurrenabaque, Bolivia has it all. Bolivia is not only one of the most authentic of South American countries, it is also the cheapest!

I was in Bolivia 4 times during 2008/2009 and again in 2011, each time entering and exiting at a different place. I passed through again during 2012 and in 2015 enjoyed another 3 weeks here. In 2019 I have come to Bolivia to live for the year and do much more travel in the country so there will be a lot of new posts and photos coming throughout the year! Here are my experiences and story.
Read more about Trinidad

A Tour To See River Dolphins & Birdlife In The Amazon - Trinidad

 » photoset (68 photos) « Turning up in Trinidad on a flight from Riberalta and being one of the only travelers in town didn't faze me. I was determined to do a tour here, even if it was going to be by myself! Trinidad is located on the southern edge of the Amazon basin in the Beni region with Rurrenabaque located further to the west. More   date: April 2019
Read more about Puka-Puka & Tarabuco

An Awesome Day Trip From Sucre - Puka-Puka & Tarabuco

 » photoset (49 photos) « Puka-Puka and Tarabuco are located 64kms from the center of Sucre and make a great day trip out of the city. The altitude is 500m higher than Sucre at 3300 meters above sea level. It's easy to come here as there is a regular Sunday tour, the bus leaves from beside the cathedral at the main plaza in Sucre. More   date: June 2019
Read more about Riberalta

Watching The Locals Ride Motorbikes Around The Plaza - Riberalta

 » photoset (29 photos) « Riberalta in the north-east of Bolivia, where the main pastime and activity of the locals is riding their motorbikes around and around the main plaza. They ride side by side having full-on conversations and ride to be seen by the people they should be seen by. More   date: April 2019
Read more about Cobija

Amazon Border Crossing To Get To Brazil & Peru - Cobija

 » photoset (9 photos) « The border crossing in Cobija on the northern frontier of Bolivia offers an opportunity to travel 5hrs south-west to Puerto Maldonado in Peru via Assis (Brazilian border town) and Iñapari (Peruvian border town) (350kms) or 3hrs north-east to Rio Branco in Brazil (232kms from Brasileia - the Brazilian border town across the river from Cobija). More   date: April 2019
Read more about Sucre

The White City - I Lived Here During 2019 - Sucre

 » photoset (85 photos) « Sucre is the official capital of Bolivia, it's a lovely city full of white colonial arquitecture. For this reason it also known as the white city and is a photographers dream. 8yrs after I first visited Sucre I've come back to live here with my family for the year, that's this year - 2019. More   date: October 2011, Feb-Nov 2019
Read more about Tarija

3 Wine Tour Options & Other Sights - Tarija

 » photoset (34 photos) « The beautiful city of Tarija is situated in the south of Bolivia, east of Tupiza and 2-3hrs north of the border of Argentina. Tarija is in the heart of wine country and is a great place to spend a few days or more. A 55min flight from Santa Cruz brought me here and I enjoyed 4 days exploring the city and enjoyed a wine tour also. More   date: Sept 2015
Read more about Villazon Border

Get To Uyuni, Tupiza, Salta & Jujuy - Villazon Border

 » photoset (7 photos) « My first time in Bolivia in 2008, I had spent roughly 7hrs on a bus from Salta in Argentina up to the border town of La Quiaca and crossed to the Bolivian border town of Villazon from there. The bus had left Salta at 10pm and it was now around 5am, it was freezing! 'Bienvenidos A La Republica De Bolivia - Villazon - Altitude 3497 (meters above sea level)', the sign said. More   date: April 2008, November 2011
Read more about Tupiza

Horse Riding Tour Be Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid - Tupiza

 » photoset (18 photos) « Tupiza will remind you of the scenery you have seen in the wild west movies, it is surrounded by the Cordillera de Chichas, a rugged, rocky, mountainous area of jagged edged hills and dusty canyons of cactus. Things to do here include horse riding, biking and hiking, there a few tour operators with guides around town. More   date: April 2008, November 2011
Read more about Tupiza via Atocha to Uyuni

205kms By Jeep & 3 Flat Tyres - Tupiza via Atocha to Uyuni

 » photoset (14 photos) « After a day horse riding in Tupiza I made an early start towards the bus terminal just a few minutes walk away from my hotel. I intended on getting a bus but it was full up, so the other and better option was to go by jeep. There were enough people who couldn't fit in the bus to fill the 10 spaces available in the jeep pretty quickly. More   date: April 2008
Read more about Uyuni Salt Flats (Salar de Uyuni)

Experience The 3 Day Tour - Uyuni Salt Flats (Salar de Uyuni)

 » photoset (57 photos) « The Uyuni salt flats is one of the best things to do in Bolivia and South America! Trust me I have been here 3 times now. The 3 day tour is the only way to go, do not waste the opportunity and only go on the 1 day tour. I have done the 3 day tour now twice and did the 1 day tour once also. More   date: Apr 2008, Nov 2011, Jul 2019
Read more about La Paz

One Of My Favourite Cities In South America - La Paz

 » photoset (109 photos) « La Paz, what an amazing place it is! I came in and out of La Paz about 4 times in 2008-2009 entering and exiting from and to different places and stayed here for 6 weeks in 2011 and was back in 2015 and again in 2019. I have spent well over 2 months here all together. More   date: Apr/Aug/Oct 2008, May 2009, Oct 2011, Jun 2012, Sep 2015, Jun 2019
Read more about La Paz to Copacabana

How To Get There And Back - La Paz to Copacabana

 » photoset (25 photos) « I have travelled this leg in both directions 4 times in all, it is a nice bus journey that includes crossing Lake Titicaca briefly (Strait of Tiquina). It takes up to 3hrs. The bus doesn't leave from the main terminal in La Paz, it leaves from up the hill quite a bit, take a taxi there. More   date: Apr 2008, Apr 2009, Sep 2011, Jan 2019
Read more about Copacabana

Explore The Inca Ruins At The Island Of The Sun - Copacabana

 » photoset (59 photos) « Copacabana is a little paradise on the shores of Lake Titicaca just 2 and a half hours north of La Paz or 2hrs 30mins south-east of Puno in Peru. The contrast between Copacabana and La Paz couldn't be greater. I have stayed in Copacabana on 4 occasions in 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2019 for 7 nights in total. More   date: Apr 2008, Apr 2009, Sep 2011, Jan 2019
Read more about Rurrenabaque

Pampas Wetlands Tour, A Bit Like School Camp - Rurrenabaque

 » photoset (34 photos) « Going to Rurrenabaque and going on the pampas or jungle tour sounded like an awesome experience from what I had heard and read about it. A friend and I decided we would go on the pampas tour of the wetlands. We booked the tour in the foyer of Loki Hostel at Kanoo Tours in La Paz, it cost $1200 Bolivianos and was for 3 days and 2 nights. More   date: May 2009
Read more about Cochabamba

World's Tallest Jesus Statue & Park Of Water & Lights - Cochabamba

 » photoset (36 photos) « Cochabamba is located in the middle of Bolivia between La Paz and Santa Cruz and is a central hub for flights and travels around the country. Being a large city there is quite a lot to see if you are prepared to do some serious walking. I walked 19kms in one day around Cochabamba looking for things to photograph! I've been here 3 times now and each time there are new works of street art to be discovered. More   date: Aug 2008, Sep 2015, Jul 2019
Read more about Tiwanaku & Desaguadero

The Quickest Way To Peru From La Paz - Tiwanaku & Desaguadero

 » photoset (78 photos) « 2012 The quickest way from La Paz to Peru is through Desaguadero, the trip takes just 2hrs in a minivan. 2hrs 40mins including passport control to step into Peru. Desaguadero is a joint Bolivian / Peruvian town with the border crossing running straight down the middle of the 50m bridge over the river. More   date: June 2012, Sept 2015
Read more about Bermejo & Aguas Blancas

International Bridge & Border to Argentina - Bermejo & Aguas Blancas

 » photoset (29 photos) « From Tarija you have 3 choices of border crossings into Argentina and I have done all 3 in fact! You have Villazon in the south-west, Yacuiba in the south-east or Bermejo / Aguas Blancas more or less directly south. Yacuiba is a little out of the way so there's not much point taking that route - I crossed at this crossing on an 18hr bus from Salta (Argentina) to Santa Cruz back in 2008. More   date: Sept 2015
Read more about Santa Cruz

Central Hub With A Zoo & Interesting Cultural Plaza - Santa Cruz

 » photoset (54 photos) « The first time I came to Santa Cruz was on a long 18hr bus haul from Salta in Argentina. I knew Santa Cruz was known as the 'city of rings' and that it would be quite warm, but that's about all. I stayed at a great hostel away from the center of town that had a pool and nice areas to hang out and relax. More   date: Aug 2008, May 2009, Jun 2012, Sep 2015, Apr 2019
Read more about Santa Cruz to Quijarro on the Death Train

No One Here Gets Out Alive - Santa Cruz to Quijarro on the Death Train

 » photoset (5 photos) « The Death Train (Ferroviaria Oriental) was due to leave Santa Cruz mid-afternoon and would take about 15hrs through the night and arrive at the border in Quijarro first thing in the morning, it cost between $15-20USD. The journey was quite comfortable and fun, the seats were not bad and there was food onsale on the train, some nice little chicken and rice meals for about $20 Bolivianos. More   date: May 2009
Read more about Oruro

The Annual Carnival Is Held In February / March - Oruro

 » photoset (46 photos) « I have visited Oruro now twice! From La Paz it takes 3hrs 30mins to travel to Oruro by bus or from Uyuni 7hrs by train. There are quite a few budget hotels and hostels around the center as well as some great places to eat. The city holds a few surprises as far as sights go, there are indeed some things worth checking out while you are here. More   date: October 2011, July 2019
Read more about Uyuni to Potosi

204kms of Amazing Rock Formations - Uyuni to Potosi

 » photoset (23 photos) « After my 2nd time in Uyuni I finally left after being held up for 3 days because of roadblocks near Potosi which had been set up by the miners who were protesting against something. This is very common in Bolivia, roads can be blocked for weeks on end, letting traffic through only at night or during weekends. More   date: October 2011, July 2019
Read more about Potosi

Silver Mine Tour Of Cerro Rico & The Coin Museum - Potosi

 » photoset (70 photos) « I spent nearly 3 weeks in Potosi in late 2011, partly as a tourist and partly because I was waiting for a new passport to be sent from home to replace my now expired old one. My stay in Potosi was broken up with a trip to Sucre and Tupiza before I returned to continue waiting. More   date: October 2011, May 2019
Read more about Yacuiba to Santa Cruz

Border Crossing to Argentina - Yacuiba to Santa Cruz

 » photoset (13 photos) « When I crossed the border from Salvador Mazza in Argentina to Yacuiba in Bolivia, it happened to be Bolivia's National Independence Day. The streets were jammed with parades, a stage, marching bands, onlookers, stray dogs and chaos. The bus stood still for 4hrs before we were allowed to pass through the town, but we did get off the bus and walk around to watch the celebrations. More   date: August 2008
Read more about Gran Chaco to Santa Cruz

18hrs In A Bus On A Border Cross - Gran Chaco to Santa Cruz

 » photoset (21 photos) « The Trans-Chaco road from Paraguay north / west up to Santa Cruz is now paved and takes a lot less time than it used to. I boarded the bus in Pozo Colorado which is 5hrs north of Asuncion at around 11pm, by around 6am we crossed the border into Bolivia on highway 9. More   date: June 2012